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📦 bindings-cpp

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The Binding is how Node-SerialPort talks to the underlying system. By default, we auto-detect Windows, Linux and OSX (OSX is called Darwin in most places), and load the appropriate module for your system. This is used in the serialport package but can easily be used by itself.

This package (and api-binding-mock) uses a common interface provided by the @serialport/bindings-interface package.

Auto Detect​


const { autoDetect } = require('@serialport/bindings-cpp')
// or
import { autoDetect } from '@serialport/bindings-cpp'

Type definition

function autoDetect(): DarwinBindingInterface | WindowsBindingInterface | LinuxBindingInterface

The autoDetect() function returns the appropriate bindings interface for the system. Each system has common options and system specific options.

const Binding = autoDetect()


This interface is common among all bindings and is the interface required to work with @serialport/stream and other generic packages.

interface BindingInterface {
list(): Promise<PortInfo>
open(options: OpenOptions): Promise<BindingPort>


Retrieves a list of available serial ports with metadata. Only the path is guaranteed. If unavailable the other fields will be undefined. The path is either the path or an identifier (eg COM1) used to open the SerialPort.

We make an effort to identify the hardware attached and have consistent results between systems. Linux and OS X are mostly consistent. Windows relies on 3rd party device drivers for the information and is unable to guarantee the information. On windows If you have a USB connected device can we provide a serial number otherwise it will be undefined. The pnpId and locationId are not the same or present on all systems. The examples below were run with the same Arduino Uno.


interface PortInfo {
path: string;
manufacturer: string | undefined;
serialNumber: string | undefined;
pnpId: string | undefined;
locationId: string | undefined;
productId: string | undefined;
vendorId: string | undefined;
friendlyName?: string | undefined;

function list(): Promise<PortInfo>
const ports = await LinuxBinding.list()
// [{
// path: '/dev/ttyACM0',
// manufacturer: 'Arduino (',
// serialNumber: '752303138333518011C1',
// pnpId: 'usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0043_752303138333518011C1-if00',
// locationId: undefined,
// productId: '0043',
// vendorId: '2341'
// }]


Opens an open port and returns a BindingPort object for your platform. There's a common set of options (eg, path, baudRate) and then platform specific options for your operating system.


function open(options: OpenOptions): Promise<BindingPort>
interface OpenOptions {
/** The system path of the serial port you want to open. For example, `/dev/tty.XXX` on Mac/Linux, or `COM1` on Windows */
path: string
* The baud rate of the port to be opened. This should match one of the commonly available baud rates, such as 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200. Custom rates are supported best effort per platform. The device connected to the serial port is not guaranteed to support the requested baud rate, even if the port itself supports that baud rate.
baudRate: number
/** Must be one of these: 5, 6, 7, or 8 defaults to 8 */
dataBits?: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
/** Prevent other processes from opening the port. Windows does not currently support `false`. Defaults to true */
lock?: boolean
/** Must be 1, 1.5 or 2 defaults to 1 */
stopBits?: 1 | 1.5 | 2
parity?: string
/** Flow control Setting. Defaults to false */
rtscts?: boolean
/** Flow control Setting. Defaults to false */
xon?: boolean
/** Flow control Setting. Defaults to false */
xoff?: boolean
/** Flow control Setting defaults to false*/
xany?: boolean
/** drop DTR on close. Defaults to true */
hupcl?: boolean


This object is an open serialport. You can read from it, write to it, change settings and close it. Once it's closed it can't be opened again. You can however make a new one by calling open().

const port = await


isOpen: boolean

true if the port is open, false otherwise. Read Only.


close(): Promise<void>

Closes an open port


read(buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number): Promise<{
buffer: Buffer
bytesRead: number

Request a number of bytes (length) from the port to be read into the buffer at the offset. This function is similar to Node's as it will attempt to read up to length number of bytes. This function has a guarantee that it will always return at least one byte. This leverages os specific polling or async reads so you don't have to.

The in progress reads error when the port is closed with an error object that has the property canceled equal to true.


write(buffer: Buffer): Promise<void>

Write bytes to the SerialPort. The in progress writes error when the port is closed with an error object that has the property canceled equal to true.

Resolves after the data is passed to the operating system for writing.


interface UpdateOptions {
/** If provided a baud rate that the bindings do not support, it should reject */
baudRate: number;

update(options: UpdateOptions): Promise<void>

Changes connection settings on an open port. Only supports baudRate.


interface SetOptions {
brk?: boolean;
cts?: boolean;
dsr?: boolean;
dtr?: boolean;
rts?: boolean;
set(options: SetOptions): Promise<void>

Set control flags on an open port. All options are operating system default when the port is opened. Every flag is set on each call to the provided or default values.


interface PortStatus {
cts: boolean;
dsr: boolean;
dcd: boolean;

get(): Promise<PortStatus>

Get the control flags (CTS, DSR, DCD) on the open port.


flush(): Promise<void>

Flush (discard) data received but not read, and written but not transmitted. Resolves once the flush operation finishes.


drain(): Promise<void>

Drain waits until all output data is transmitted to the serial port. An in progress write complete before this returns. Resolves once the drain operation finishes.